Light your Pit Barrel® according to the instructions.
Remove the ribs from the package, rinse gently with cold water and pat dry with paper towel.
Season the ribs with a moderate dusting of the Beef & Game Pit Rub .
Place one hook at least two bones down into the center of the thicker end (often the end with the narrower width) of each slab until it’s secure.
Hang the ribs from the rods in the Pit Barrel®, leaving space between each slab, and secure the lid.
Cook for an hour, then the remove ribs from the Pit Barrel®, leaving hooks in place, and coat each side with barbecue sauce to taste.
Hang the ribs back in the Pit Barrel® and cook for approximately 30 minutes until BBQ sauce is caramelized.
Remove ribs from the Pit Barrel® (confirming doneness), and cut into individual ribs using the Ultimate Chef's Knife .